25+ Apex Legends Memes Mozambique
This gun is horrible except when unlucky players have no other options for loot.
Apex legends memes mozambique. 10 when you try to be funny. After browsing the r apexoutlands sub and r apexlegends sub and seeing the absurd amount of mozambique memes i thought i d make one meme that is speaks louder than all the jpeg files in both subs. By farhan ali june 5 2019. Apex legends memes 2 memes apex legends is buffing the mozambique in season 2 the mozambique has been good for memes and into much else in apex legends with the gun being a. The shotgun pistol not the country. Today apex legends developer released patch 1 2 of the game. The new update marks the start of the game s first limited time mode called the legendary hunt.
Loot ticks the repulsor. Apex legends new mozambique animation confirms its status as a meme gun. 0 1 minute read. Boy do people hate mozambique. Other players will ping these on occasion as a joke and when another player. Keep reading to see ten apex legends memes that will make you ditch fortnite. That s what i m gathering from these memes and loot as a whole is just a mixed bag in apex legends.
Following the release of apex legends in february 2019 the weapon gained notoriety as being severely underpowered and became the subject of memes in the gaming community.